胆管癌是一种在胆管组织中发现的罕见癌症, 发生概率大约为百分之二,000人. 男性和女性同样受到影响,大多数病例发生在65岁以上的人群中. The bile duct is a small tube that connects the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine. The ducts carry bile – the liquid that helps break down fat in food during digestion – out of the liver.
肿瘤可以在胆管的任何地方生长,通常生长缓慢. 然而, 通常在做出诊断的时候, 许多肿瘤已经发展到晚期,无法通过手术切除. 其他情况,如原发性硬化性胆管炎, 胆管囊肿和慢性胆道刺激, 是否与胆管癌风险增加有关.
UCSF provides state-of-the-art care for cholangiocarcinoma, also called bile duct cancer. 除了肝胆外科十大赌博平台排行榜, 谁是肝脏方面的专家, 胆囊和胆管, 我们的团队包括移植外科十大赌博平台排行榜, 放射科十大赌博平台排行榜诊断, 介入放射科医师, 医疗肿瘤学家, 肝脏病学家, 胃肠病学家和麻醉师.
对于需要大手术的病人, our transplant surgeons apply their expertise in living donor liver transplantation to perform complex reconstruction of the hepatic artery, 门静脉或胆管. This allows us to remove tumors that other centers may have deemed inoperable because they involve major vessels.
Our physician-scientists are dedicated to discovering additional treatments for cholangiocarcinoma through research. 感兴趣的患者可以选择参加临床试验, 评估潜在的新疗法.
奖 & 识别
北加州最好的,排名第一. 全国癌症治疗排名第七
全国最好的胃肠病学十大赌博平台排行榜之一 & 胃肠道手术
迹象 & 症状
胆管癌是一种在胆管组织中发现的罕见癌症. 肿瘤通过堵塞胆管产生症状. 常见症状可能包括:
- 泥色凳
- 黄疸,这是一种皮肤和眼睛发黄
- 瘙痒
- 腹部疼痛,可能会延伸到背部
- 食欲不振
- 不明原因的体重减轻
- 发热
- 发冷
Your doctor will first ask about your medical history and perform a physical examination. 此外,他或她可以要求进行以下检查:
- 计算机断层扫描(CT). 一种利用计算机提供腹部内部图像的x射线.
- 磁共振成像(MRI)扫描. 这个测试使用电磁波来创建一个图像.
- 超声波. This test uses high-frequency sound waves that echo off the body to create a picture.
- 内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP). During an ERCP, a flexible tube is inserted down the throat and into the stomach and small intestine. By injecting dye into the drainage tube of the pancreas, your doctor can see the area more clearly.
- 内镜超声(EUS). EUS包括通过一个薄层, flexible tube called an endoscope through the mouth or the anus to exam the lining and walls of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract and nearby organs such as the pancreas and gall bladder. The endoscope is equipped with a small ultrasound transducer that produces sounds waves that create a viewable image of the digestive track. 结合细针抽吸, EUS成为最先进的, minimally invasive alternative to exploratory surgery to remove tissue samples from abdominal and other organs. 它也可用于确定腹痛等症状的原因, 评估一个增长, 诊断胰腺疾病, bile duct and gall bladder when other tests are inconclusive and to determine the extent of certain cancers of the lungs or digestive tract.
- 经皮经肝胆管造影(PTC). 通过将细针插入肝脏,将染料注入胆管, 在x射线上可以看到阻塞.
- 胆管活检和细针穿刺. A tiny sample of the bile duct fluid or tissue is removed and examined under a microscope.
手术 and radiation therapy are the two most common treatments for cholangiocarcinoma.
如果肿瘤很小,没有扩散到胆管以外, your doctor may remove the whole bile duct and make a new duct by connecting the duct openings in the liver to the intestine. Lymph nodes also will be removed and examined under the microscope to see if they contain cancer. If the cancer has spread and cannot be removed, your doctor may perform surgery to relieve 症状.
If the cancer is blocking the small intestine and bile builds up in the gallbladder, 可能需要手术. 在这个操作过程中, 叫做胆道旁路手术, 十大赌博平台排行榜会切开胆囊或胆管,把它缝到小肠上.
肿瘤完全切除后, 30%到40%的患者至少能存活5年, 有可能被完全治愈. If the tumor cannot be completely removed, it generally is not possible to cure the patient. 在这些情况下, 如果你不适合手术并且有梗阻, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) can be used to place plastic or metal stents, 哪些有助于排便.
放射治疗 is the use of high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. 放射治疗主要有两种:
- 外束放射治疗. 辐射来自体外的机器.
- 内部放射治疗. 产生辐射的物质, 被称为放射性同位素, 通过细塑料管注入癌细胞所在的部位.
There are a couple types of therapy that are currently being studied in clinical trials for the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma, 包括:
- 化疗. 使用药物杀死癌细胞
- 生物治疗. 利用身体的免疫系统来对抗癌症
- 光动力治疗. 使用一种特殊类型的光和光敏剂来杀死癌细胞
加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.
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