Guidelines for a Low Sodium Diet
Low Sodium Diet
A main source of sodium is table salt. 美国人平均每天吃五茶匙或更多的盐. 这大约是人体所需量的20倍. 事实上,你的身体每天只需要1/4茶匙的盐. 钠是天然存在于食物中的,但很多是在加工和准备过程中添加的. 许多尝起来不咸的食物可能仍然含有高钠. 罐头食品、加工食品和方便食品中可能含有大量的钠. 在快餐店供应的许多食物中都含有钠.
钠控制我们体内的液体平衡,维持血容量和血压. 摄入过多的钠可能会升高血压,导致体液潴留, 哪些会导致腿脚肿胀或其他健康问题.
When limiting sodium in your diet, a common target is to eat less than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per day.
General Guidelines for Cutting Down on Salt
- 从你的饮食中去除含盐的食物,减少烹饪中盐的用量. Sea salt is no better than regular salt.
- Choose low sodium foods. 很多无盐或低盐产品都可以买到. 在阅读食品标签时,低钠的定义是每份140毫克的钠.
- 盐替代品有时是由钾制成的,所以请阅读标签. 如果你正在进行低钾饮食,那么在使用这些盐替代品之前,请咨询你的十大赌博平台排行榜.
- 要有创意,用香料、香草、柠檬、大蒜、姜、醋和胡椒给食物调味. Remove the salt shaker from the table.
- 阅读成分标签,识别高钠食物. 含有400毫克或更多钠的食品是高钠食品. High sodium food additives include salt, brine, or other items that say sodium, such as monosodium glutamate.
- Eat more home-cooked meals. 从头开始烹饪的食物自然比大多数即食食品和盒装食品的钠含量低.
- 不要用软化的水烹饪和饮用,因为它含有添加的盐.
- 避免服用含有钠的药物,如Alka Seltzer和Bromo Seltzer.
- For more information; food composition books are available which tell how much sodium is in food. Online sources such as also list amounts.
Meats, Poultry, Fish, Legumes, Eggs and Nuts
High-Sodium Foods
- Smoked, cured, salted or canned meat, fish or poultry including bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines, caviar and anchovies
- 冷冻面包屑肉和晚餐,如墨西哥卷饼和披萨
- 罐头主菜,如意大利饺子、午餐肉和辣椒
- Salted nuts
- Beans canned with salt added
Low-Sodium Alternatives
- 任何新鲜或冷冻牛肉、羊肉、猪肉、家禽及鱼类
- Eggs and egg substitutes
- Low-sodium peanut butter
- Dry peas and beans (not canned)
- Low-sodium canned fish
- 排干,水或油包装的罐头鱼或家禽
Dairy Products
High-Sodium Foods
- Buttermilk
- 普通奶酪和加工奶酪,奶酪酱和酱汁
- Cottage cheese
Low-Sodium Alternatives
- Milk, yogurt, ice cream and ice milk
- 低钠奶酪,奶油奶酪,乳清奶酪和马苏里拉奶酪
Breads, Grains and Cereals
High-Sodium Foods
- Bread and rolls with salted tops
- 速食面包、自发面、饼干、煎饼和华夫饼
- Pizza, croutons and salted crackers
- 预先包装的加工过的土豆、米饭、意大利面和馅料
Low-Sodium Alternatives
- Breads, bagels and rolls without salted tops
- Muffins and most ready-to-eat cereals
- 所有的米饭和面食,但烹饪时不要加盐
- 低钠玉米和面粉玉米饼和面条
- Low-sodium crackers and breadsticks
- Unsalted popcorn, chips and pretzels
Vegetables and Fruits
High-Sodium Foods
- Regular canned vegetables and vegetable juices
- 橄榄、泡菜、酸菜和其他腌制蔬菜
- Vegetables made with ham, bacon or salted pork
- 包装的混合食品,如扇贝或焗土豆,冷冻土豆饼和土豆泥
- 商业准备的意大利面、番茄酱和莎莎酱
Low-Sodium Alternatives
- Fresh and frozen vegetables without sauces
- 低钠罐装蔬菜、酱汁和果汁
- 新鲜土豆,冷冻薯条和速溶土豆泥
- Low-salt tomato or V-8 juice.
- Most fresh, frozen and canned fruit
- Dried fruits
High-Sodium Foods
- 普通罐头和脱水汤,肉汤和清汤
- Cup of noodles and seasoned ramen mixes
Low-Sodium Alternatives
- 低钠罐头和脱水汤、肉汤和清汤
- Homemade soups without added salt
Fats, Desserts and Sweets
High-Sodium Foods
- 酱油、调味盐、其他酱料和腌料
- 瓶装沙拉酱,普通沙拉酱配培根
- Salted butter or margarine
- Instant pudding and cake
- Large portions of ketchup, mustard
Low-Sodium Alternatives
- Vinegar, unsalted butter or margarine
- 植物油,低钠酱汁和沙拉酱
- Mayonnaise
- All desserts made without salt
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