The knee is formed by the femur (thigh bone), the tibia (shin bone) and the patella (the knee cap). It is essentially a hinge joint that is held in place by the medial collateral (MCL), 侧抵押(拼箱), 前十字韧带(ACL)和后十字韧带(PCL).
Most of us have heard that women athletes are more prone to suffering from a traumatic knee injury. But what most people don't know is that you don't have to be a weekend warrior to end up with a serious knee problem. Each year, 大约有1000万女性因为膝盖疼痛去看十大赌博平台排行榜, 通常是由与运动无关的活动引起的, 比如起重箱, 在园艺时爬楼梯或蹲得太久.
为什么女性膝盖受伤越来越多? 研究人员猜测,最可能的原因之一是女性的体型. Women tend to have wider hips and are slightly knock-kneed (their thighbones tend to curve inward from the hip to the knee) and this alignment can create added stress on the joints. 另一个原因可能与女性的肌肉有关. 更常见的是,女性使用腿部肌肉的方式与男性不同.
Here are some common knee problems women encounter and tips from UCSF orthopedic surgeons and knee specialists on how to prevent them:
When working properly, your patella should glide straight up and down as you extend your leg. But sometimes the kneecap slides slightly off track and rubs against the bone and cartilage nearby. This can lead to pain and swelling in front of the knee and behind the kneecap. 你还能听到噼啪声.
防止疼痛, it's important to build up muscle endurance and strengthen the quadriceps muscles in the front of your leg. You'll also need to stretch the muscles and tendons that may be tight such as the hamstrings (in the back of the leg) and the iliotibial band (on the outer side of the leg). 避免可能加重膝盖骨的活动也是明智的, 比如爬楼梯, 在山上跑上跑下,过度下蹲.
The meniscus is a crescent-shaped piece of cartilage acts as the cushion for the knee. 你的每只膝盖都有两个半月板. 当半月板破裂时, the torn pieces can cause irritation that leads to pain and swelling on either the inner (medial) or outer (lateral) side of the knee, 取决于哪个半月板撕裂了.
如果你有半月板疼痛, be sure to ice your knee and take an anti-inflammatory to keep the swelling down. 伸展和加强你的腿. If pain persists after long bouts of activity, it's best to see your doctor for a full evaluation.
The ACL 膝关节最常受伤的韧带是哪一种. 大多数伤害发生在年轻的运动人群中. The ACL is injured when it sustains a force that exceeds the strength of the ligament. 这可能是由于非接触性伤害(笨拙地着陆)造成的, cutting or changing direction) or from contact such as getting tackled during a football game. 前交叉韧带损伤的风险在需要旋转的运动中是最高的, jumping, 急转弯:切断或迅速改变方向. For women, that means participating in sports like soccer, basketball, volleyball and gymnastics. It's also a common problem when athletes have poor physical conditioning and lack strength or flexibility.
Individuals who experience ACL tears usually describe a feeling of the joint "giving out" or buckling. 许多患者在膝盖受伤时也经常听到或感觉到“砰”的一声. Other signs and symptoms may include an inability to continue to play after the injury, 伤后2-12小时出现大量膝关节肿胀, an inability to fully straighten or bend the knee and repeated "giving way" episodes of the knee with sports activities.
Recent research has shown that the risk of ACL injury may be reduced through conditioning and training programs designed to increase balance and flexibility, 提高肌肉力量和耐力. 如果你有一个受伤,你怀疑可能是造成前交叉韧带撕裂, 最好去看十大赌博平台排行榜做一个全面的评估.
The MCL is usually injured when the outside of the partially flexed knee is struck with the foot fixed to the ground. Injury to the MCL can also occur with excessive lateral rotation (outside twisting) of the knee. 这种力量使膝盖内侧变宽, 创建拉伸, 韧带部分撕裂或完全撕裂. An injury to the MCL may be isolated or a component of a more complex knee injury. The injuries that frequently occur in combination with MCL tears are ACL and meniscus (cartilage) tears. The most common symptom following an injury to the MCL is pain directly over the ligament on the inner portion of the knee. 如果只是MCL受伤, 大多数病人在急性受伤后仍能继续行走, however they often have difficulty with activities involving pivoting and twisting. Pain and stiffness in the joint are localized to the inner part of the knee and the area may become swollen. 更严重的MCL撕裂可能会给患者一种不稳定的感觉.
如果你有一个受伤,你怀疑可能导致了MCL撕裂, 最好去看十大赌博平台排行榜做一个全面的评估.
Repeating the same motion can lead to wear and tear on almost any of your joints. Overuse injuries are especially common on the knees since you rely on your knees for many activities. Nagging injuries and aching bones or inflamed muscles can develop into bigger problems.
如果你怀疑你有过度使用的膝盖损伤, consult your doctor and be sure to take plenty of rest until your knee isn't sore anymore.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.