肾脏 癌症
肾脏是一对豆状的器官,位于腰部以上,脊柱两侧. Their main job is to remove salt, 排出血液中的废物和多余的水分,以尿液的形式排出体外. 当肾脏中的一些细胞开始生长失控时,就会发展成肾癌, 最终形成肿瘤.
加州大学旧金山分校的泌尿肿瘤学家是国际公认的肾癌治疗专家. We use the latest diagnostic tools and treatments, 包括手术, 辐射, 化疗和免疫疗法(一种利用人体免疫系统对抗癌症的技术). Our patients have access to educational resources and 支持团体, as well as opportunities to participate in clinical trials evaluating new kidney cancer treatments. 了解更多有关 process and potential benefits of participating in a clinical trial.
奖 & 识别
Among the top hospitals in the nation
Best in Northern California for urology
Best in Northern California and No. 全国癌症治疗排名第七
in NIH funding for urology research
在成人中,最常见的肾癌是肾细胞癌或肾细胞癌. It accounts for 80 to 85% of kidney cancers. A less common type is transitional cell cancer. When children get kidney cancer, it's usually a form called 肿瘤.
当癌细胞在肾内小管的内壁上生长时,就会发生肾细胞癌. 这些管被称为小管,负责过滤血液和产生尿液. 肾细胞癌s account for 80 to 85% of all kidney cancers.
The three main types of renal cell cancer are:
- 透明细胞. More than three-quarters of renal cell cancers in adults are this type. 顾名思义,肿瘤细胞在显微镜下看起来透明或苍白.
- 乳头状. This type makes up around 15% of all renal cell cancers. The tumors are finger-like growths.
- Chromophobe. 以大的苍白细胞为特征,约占肾细胞癌的5%. It tends to grow slowly compared with the other types.
移行细胞癌 starts in the ureters or renal pelvis. 肾盂, 肾中心的一个区域, collects urine and sends it to the ureters, the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. This type makes up about 8% of all kidney cancers.
在早期阶段,肾癌通常没有明显的体征或麻烦的症状. 然而, 随着肿瘤的生长, it can cause blood in the urine, 哪些可能是清晰可见的或微量的存在,可以在尿检中检测到. 有时人们可以感觉到肿瘤在背部下部或腰部一侧形成肿块.
Less common symptoms may include:
- 便秘
- 乏力
- 一般感觉身体不好
- 高血压
- 食欲不振
- Pain in the side or lower back that doesn't go away
- 反复发烧
- 不明原因的体重减轻
开始, your doctor may ask about your medical history and perform a physical exam, carefully feeling your abdomen for any abnormal lumps. 他们可能还会建议你做一些实验室检查,以及肾脏和附近器官的影像学检查. 有用的测试包括:
- 验尿. 这个测试包括取你的尿液样本来评估其颜色和含量, measuring elements such as sugar, 蛋白质和血细胞.
- 尿液细胞学. This test looks specifically for cancer cells in a sample of your urine.
- 超声波. Using sound waves to produce images of body tissues and structures, this test is used to look for kidney tumors.
- 计算机断层扫描(CT). 这种特殊的x射线技术可以产生肾脏及其周围结构的图像, allowing doctors to detect tumors, identify their size and location, and determine whether the cancer has spread. CT scans can also help with learning the stage of the cancer.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. 这种成像测试使用磁铁和无线电波来创建可以显示大小的高分辨率图像, location and characteristics of a tumor. It can also show the stage of cancer and whether it has spread.
- 活组织检查. 该检查包括从可疑部位取下组织样本,在显微镜下检查是否存在癌细胞.
肾脏 cancer is usually treated with surgery, immunotherapy or both. Some patients receive 辐射 therapy as well. Your treatment recommendations will depend on the cancer's stage, 你的年龄和健康状况, 还有其他因素. Your doctors will design a plan to fit your needs and goals.
最常见的肾癌治疗方法是切除全部或部分肾脏,这种手术称为肾切除术. This is an option because people can live well with just one kidney. There are two types of nephrectomies, radical and partial.
在根治性肾切除术中, 外科十大赌博平台排行榜将整个肾脏连同肾上腺(肾脏顶部的一个小的分泌激素的腺体)和周围组织一起取出. They may also remove some lymph nodes in the area. If the tumor is small or located on the edge of the kidney, the surgeon may remove only the part containing the tumor. 这是部分肾切除术.
Radiation therapy for kidney cancer
放射治疗,也称为放射治疗,使用高能x射线杀死癌细胞. Radiation therapy for kidney cancer is external, 意思是体外的机器将放射性物质输送到身体的特定区域.
患者通常接受这种治疗,每周5天,持续数周. 该计划旨在通过分散总辐射剂量来保护正常组织. You don't need to stay in the hospital for external 辐射 therapy, and you're not radioactive during or after treatment.
当肾癌扩散到骨骼时,十大赌博平台排行榜有时也会使用放射疗法. 在这种情况下,这是一种缓解疼痛的姑息疗法(舒适护理).
Immunotherapy harnesses your body's own immune system to fight cancer. 抗病细胞——由你的身体产生或在实验室中改造——被用来增强, guide or restore your body's inherent defenses against cancer. 患者通常在治疗期间留在十大赌博平台排行榜,以监测可能出现的副作用.
Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. 尽管化疗可以治疗许多癌症,但它对肾癌的疗效有限. 研究人员目前正在研究新的药物和药物组合,目的是发现一些对肾癌有效的药物.
Hormone therapy for kidney cancer
激素疗法用于少数晚期肾癌患者. Hormones can cause cancerous cells to divide, 因此,这种治疗方法可以通过靶向细胞对激素的获取来控制肿瘤的生长. 更多的时候,它被用作缓和疗法——缓解疼痛或其他引起不适的症状.
加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.