肥厚性 心肌病
肥厚性心肌病(HCM)是一种遗传性心肌疾病. HCM会导致心肌壁增厚. 当墙太厚的时候, 心肌功能低下, 导致一些病人心脏供血受阻. HCM is also associated with abnormal heart rhythms, which can sometimes be life threatening.
在过去的几十年中, UCSF has helped pioneer breakthroughs in the understanding and treatment of genetic heart disorders such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 病人 have access to world-class care at our cardiovascular genetics program – the first such program in Northern California and one of a select few across the country. 遗传性心脏病专家提供评估, 基因检测和咨询, customized treatment plans and help in addressing the complex psychological and familial issues that can accompany a genetic disorder such as HCM.
HCM的治疗取决于患者的症状, 心脏功能和其他因素, 可能包括药物或手术. 在这种疾病导致心跳不规则的情况下, 我们可以做导管消融, a procedure that destroys the portion of heart tissue responsible for the arrhythmia. Other options include surgically implanting a pacemaker or cardioverter defibrillator, 使用电脉冲来调节心脏节律的装置. Our patients may also have access to the latest experimental treatments being evaluated in clinical trials.
奖 & 识别
全国最好的心脏十大赌博平台排行榜之一 & 血管手术
迹象 & 症状
- 呼吸急促(气促)
- 胸痛或不适
- 晕倒
- 心悸:感觉心脏跳动的感觉
- 头晕
少数HCM患者会遭受最严重的并发症, 包括猝死, 心力衰竭和中风. 值得注意的是,HCM的严重程度范围很广. Some people may not experience 症状 and may have normal heart evaluations well into adulthood. 其他人可能在年轻时出现严重的并发症, 包括心力衰竭或心源性猝死. It is difficult to predict whether an individual will have a mild form of HCM or a more severe form. HCM can be a major cause of death in young athletes who appear healthy but die during intense exercise.
诊断 of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) requires a thorough cardiology and genetics evaluation. 完整的病史包括家族病史. 然后会做身体检查. This includes listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope to check for any abnormal heart sounds or murmurs. The pulse in both your arms and neck will be checked and the doctor may feel for an abnormal heart beat in the chest.
Additional tests to diagnose cardiomyopathy typically include echocardiography and electrocardiogram (ECG). 可能还需要进一步的检测, 包括基因测试, 心脏核磁共振, 运动压力测试, 监测异常心律和心导管. 除了做出准确的诊断, these tests are invaluable in determining severity and guiding disease management.
如果患者被诊断为肥厚性心肌病(HCM), it is important that their immediate family members be screened for the condition as well, 因为HCM可以在家族中遗传. They should be evaluated and then followed and re-checked every few years by a cardiologist.
HCM是由帮助构建心脏肌肉的基因变化引起的. 基因检测可以帮助确定家庭成员是否会患上HCM. Once genetic testing has identified the genetic mutation causing HCM in a family, other family members can be tested for that same genetic mutation to see if they also inherited it.
If genetic testing shows that they do carry the genetic mutation that causes HCM in the family then they are at increased risk for developing the 症状 and changes in the heart that are associated with HCM. 这些知识可以帮助他们做出选择来保持健康, 比如避免剧烈运动, 哪些会使HCM恶化, 并寻求心脏病专家的定期护理, who may prescribe specific medications or arrange for a pacemaker or defibrillator to be implanted.
If a relative of a person with a cardiomyopathy has genetic testing and is found not to carry the genetic mutation for HCM, 这样就不需要心脏病专家来跟进了. 这可以减轻很多压力和担忧.
Treating hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) depends on the presence and severity of a patient's 症状, 病人的心脏是如何运作的, if a patient is suffering from abnormal heart rhythms and a patient's age and activity level. 治疗范围从药物到手术或消融. Treatment of abnormal heart rhythms may include surgically implanting a pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator into the patient. 在罕见的严重心力衰竭病例中,可能需要进行心脏移植.
加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.
酒精室间隔消融术 is a minimally invasive treatment for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 心肌病一种遗传性疾病,其部分心肌变得异常厚.
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The minimally invasive technique has become the treatment of choice for arrhythmia patients who do not respond well to medication.
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Learn how implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) use special pacing to help manage fast heartbeats and irregular heart rhythms.