Dr. Tami Rowen always knew she wanted to be a doctor. 她在从事医疗保健工作的家人的陪伴下长大, so you could say it's in her blood.
Doctor Q&A: Tami Rowen
如今,她是加州大学旧金山分校的妇产科十大赌博平台排行榜,负责照顾有性健康问题的女性, disabilities, cancer and chronic illnesses, 以及那些寻求妇科手术或计划生育帮助的人.
罗文从事微创妇科和开放手术, 除了一般妇科问题的办公室程序, including abnormal bleeding, fibroids, dysplasia and adnexal masses.
她主持了几项关于妇女性健康的国家和国际研究, 以及莫桑比克的计划生育研究和临床项目, Angola and North America.
How did you decide to go into medicine?
我很幸运,因为我通过家庭接触了很多与健康相关的领域. 我小时候学过护理、心理学、公共卫生,也看到过女性在科学领域的例子.
At first I thought I was going to be a sociologist, 但在高中时,我意识到我很擅长化学和生物. 然后我清楚地认识到,我不仅喜欢人们并与他们互动, I loved science.
How did you end up choosing to be an OB-GYN?
I saw my first delivery when I was 16 years old, thanks to my stepfather (also an OB-GYN), who allowed me to go to a delivery with him.
I always knew it was what I wanted to do. 在医学院,我尝试了几个不同的领域,但所有这些都让我回到了妇产科. 当我终于开始妇产科轮转时,我非常兴奋. I wanted to stay up all night long and deliver babies.
Not quite. My father does family medicine. 他放弃了西医,现在只做替代医学. 所以他对医学界治疗疾病的方式有着强烈的感情.
我的母亲是一名执业护士,后来成为一名心理学家. 她一直认为我会成为一名出色的精神科十大赌博平台排行榜,并为此进行了游说.
在医学院的时候,有人警告我,医学领域可能充斥着一些“不友好”的人. 我想,“如果没有更多优秀的人十大赌博靠谱网络平台进来,我们将使这个问题永久化." I am not willing to be told that because I AM nice, I am not going to be a good fit with this field.
I actually thought a lot about becoming a midwife, but I realized that I didn't want to have to call a doctor if something goes wrong; I wanted to be the doctor. I wanted to be able to do the C-section.
你对残疾研究很感兴趣,你治疗过很多患有妇科疾病的残疾妇女. How did that come about?
我对这个领域产生兴趣是因为我在一个残疾儿童营地工作,上了一门关于残疾医学模型的课. I learned that we sometimes actually pathologize things that might not need to be; one example is deafness.
I am almost 100 percent clinical. I operate one day a week; do labor-and-delivery call twice a month; and see patients the other days. When I'm on call for labor and delivery, I may do a few unplanned C-sections, so about five C-sections a month.
Do you wish you had more time for labor and delivery?
My current schedule is a good mix. I am a new mother, so overnights are hard, 但如果我不能接生,我肯定会怀念的.
这些天的不同之处在于,我经常错过一些“有趣的事情”,比如积极的分娩支持和帮助女性分娩, because our midwives are handling a lot of the basic, uncomplicated deliveries.
那天晚上我值班,却没有助产士, so I pushed with this mother for three hours, and I loved it. 这是非常令人满意的,因为你真的可以让孩子出生.
Did anything surprise you with your own labor?
Even before my labor, 我很惊讶,我的焦虑比我预期的要多得多, 部分原因是我看到了所有可能出错的事情. I also had a hard first trimester, 所以我对女性在这段时间的感觉有了更多的理解——恶心和呕吐, especially.
Because of my own pregnancy ups and downs, I just got much more in touch with everything, 从对早产的恐惧到对超声波和基因问题的恐惧. It definitely improved my ability as a doctor.
Are there any misconceptions about OB-GYNs?
When it comes to obstetrics, 对我来说,最困难的事情是女性给自己施加的“自然”分娩的压力, whatever that means for them. 人们对你的出生故事有如此多的关注,以至于对没有教科书的女性来说,这可能是一种创伤, idealized labor story.
我很清楚,女性想要重新掌控自己的生育,这在历史上是有先例的. 但有时,当一个女人没有得到她想要的孩子时,我很难过,即使她和她的孩子最后都很健康,这对她来说也很沉重.
What would you do if you weren't a doctor?
我只知道我会在医疗保健方面做点什么——和人们一起做点什么, so maybe a therapist of some sort.
What particularly excites you right now in your field?
Given that my area of expertise is sexual medicine, 我很高兴我们终于把性作为一个女性健康问题来讨论了. 虽然一些即将问世的新药可能无法解决所有问题, 他们正在帮助人们走出性健康的阴影.
For a long time, gynecologists didn't know how to help women, or in many cases even talk to them about these things.
过去主要是泌尿科十大赌博平台排行榜处理性健康问题,因为只有男性会寻求帮助, and by default some women turned to urologists too.
但这并不是大多数女性谈论这些问题的对象. 他们去看妇科十大赌博平台排行榜,妇科十大赌博平台排行榜需要问这个问题! 当我问病人关于性的问题时,他们经常有一些问题要解决.
What do you do when you aren’t working?
I like to travel a lot, and I’m very outdoorsy. 我出生在阿拉斯加的安克雷奇,直到20岁,每年夏天我都在那里度过. 只要有时间,我就会做很多徒步旅行、游泳和瑜伽. Very typical Bay Area stuff!