Anal Neoplasia Clinic, 研究与教育 (ANCRE) Center
的 Anal Neoplasia Clinic, 研究与教育 (ANCRE) Center is the world's first clinic devoted to anal cancer prevention. UCSF experts were the first to identify the link between neoplasias (precancerous lesions) and anal cancer, 他们仍然是该领域的全球领导者. 的 center is part of the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive 癌症 Center.
肛门癌在美国呈上升趋势.S., and the vast majority of cases are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus is extremely common among sexually active people and can lead to precancerous changes in the anal tissue, 哪些会发展成肛门癌.
Most of the time, a healthy immune system can clear the virus. 尤其是免疫功能低下的人, 某些病毒株可以持续存在, 增加患癌症的风险. Our goal at the ANCRE Center is to provide the close monitoring and therapies that can reduce that risk.
我们中心提供范围广泛的筛查, 诊断和治疗方案, 包括肛门细胞学检查, 高分辨率anoscopy, 肛交活组织检查, infrared coagulation therapy and electrocautery therapy. ANCRE’s doctors provide top-tier care as well as conducting research on anal neoplasia, giving our patients access to the latest and best techniques and therapies.
VGX-3100 and Electroporation in Treating 病人 With HIV-Positive High-Grade Anal Lesions
Defined as histopathological regression of human papillomavirus (HPV)-16 and/or 18-positive anal high grade squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (HSIL) to low grade squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (LSIL) [anal intraepithelial neo...
U.S. 新闻排行榜
北加州最好的,排名第一. 全国癌症治疗排名第七
认证评估 & 会员资格
的 国家癌症研究所 has designated UCSF a comprehensive cancer center, its highest ranking. This designation is awarded to centers that demonstrate scientific excellence and the ability to conduct cancer research across many disciplines.
UCSF's cancer programs have been accredited by the American College of Surgeons' 癌症委员会 (CoC) since 1933. 的 CoC is a consortium of groups dedicated to improving cancer patients' survival and quality of life via research, 教育和更好的医疗保健.
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加州大学旧金山分校肛门肿瘤诊所, 研究与教育 Center participates in research aimed at improving the understanding and treatment of anal neoplasia and cancer.
UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive 癌症 Center Research
UCSF is home to a range of research initiatives aimed at improving outcomes for cancer patients everywhere. This includes research on topics such as immunotherapy, BRCA突变和分子诊断检测.